Just Because
The picture above is of Pamela Joy Baker taken on the day we were married, 1-14-1995. Actually it was taken before the ceremony, so technically it is of Pamela Joy Hartman. I never saw this picture until the day I was pulling pictures together for her funeral service. Now, it is one of my treasures. Since I often confused our anniversary date with the 15th of January, it seemed proper to publish this picture today.
Now a Thank You is in order.
Many readers know that Pam was my editor. A writer cannot be their own editor. I guess it is something like being your own lawyer. So let me now thank my current editor. She is my one and only sister, Harriett. She really had to do a lot of work on the last story. We all should thank her greatly for making my stories read well.
Now, if you find errors in this post, don’t blame Harriett. If I had sent it to her, she would have forbid me to publish it. And we know that you cannot disobey your sister.
I always was sneaky.
Now to my sister – Thank you! Please forgive me for making you the center of attention. At least I did not put your picture on this post…….
With all a brother’s love, Brad